
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mailbox Madness (2)

Mailbox madness is my version of In My Mailbox and Stacking the Shelves, there is nothing different here I just figure with a name like this I could participate in both memes :) The purpose of this meme is to allow everyone to show off the books and goodies they got through out the week


  1. OOh I really want to read The Pirates Wish(: Great Haul!

  2. Nice haul this week! I really want to read Clockwork Princess. Hopy you like it =)
    Old follower!

  3. Ooh! You got quite a lot of good stuff this week! I read The Sweetest Dark and enjoyed it, so I've got The Deepest Night too, and am looking forward to it! I've got Clockwork Princess, too, but haven't gotten to it. It's been terrible avoiding spoilers! :) Happy reading!

    My STS

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts


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