
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Exciting Things & February TBR

     So I am now exactly 38 weeks pregnant, which means 2 weeks left to go! I'm hoping that once I have the baby I will have more energy for posting more regularly. I didn't read all that much last month I have been having a hard time concentrating or staying awake long enough to really read. So for that reason I might come up with a long list but only to give myself options hehe.

     In other cute news my 6 year old has just about finished her first chapter book. She read it all by herself and to herself. She even asked me to go get her the next book! I am so excited by this hehe. I hope that she develops a love for reading. The other cute thing was me offering her my old Nook to read her books on thinking for a while it would be easier for me to get them for her and she got all excited. She asked me if for her birthday I can get her, her very own light up Nook. The simple things that will melt your heart lol.

     Well enough of all this stuff I will get on to my February TBR List for you guys, if you have a list feel free to share it in the comments I would LOVE to see what you guys are planning on reading this month too!

Boundless - Cynthia Hand
Everbound - Brodi Ashton
Asunder - Jodi Meadows
Shadows in the Silence - Courtney Allison Moulton
Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia
The Last Echo - Kimberly Derting
Perception - Kim Harrington
The Dead and Buried - Kim Harrington
A Want so Wicked - Suzanne Young

I'm pretty sure there are others that will pop onto this list during the month, but my goal for this year is to be relaxed about my reading. I'm not joining any challenges other than the goodreads challenge which I only set to 100. I want to catch up on some of my series that I have started, and finished the ones that are ending this year. I also would really like to clear some of the older books off my TBR I have so many good books waiting for me and just never got to them, its time to change that :)

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