
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten Series I Love but am Behind On

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful people over at The Broke and the Bookish
This week the list is Top Ten Series I Love but am Behind On

Whats in your Top Ten?

Teaser Tuesday (22) The Diviners - Libba Bray

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week my teaser is from...

“I hear they feed you in Sing Sing,” Evie muttered. “Three squares a day.”
“Evangeline,” Will said with a sigh. “Charity begins at home.”

So far this book has been a little slow for me, but Evie has kept me turning pages. She has this attitude that I just adore. As I was reading this morning I hit this quote and snorted so this had to be my Teaser Tuesday post.

What are you guys reading?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Review: Thumped -Megan McCafferty

Author: Megan McCafferty
Series: Bumped #2
Pages: 304
Publisher: Blazer & Bray
Release Date: 4/24/12
ISBN-10: 0061962767

Goodreads/Amazon/Barnes & Noble/Book Depository

It's been thirty-five weeks since twin sisters Harmony and Melody went their separate ways. Since then, their story has become irresistible to legions of girls: twins separated at birth and living different lives, each due to deliver sets of twins . . . on the same day! In a future where only teens can "bump," or give birth, babies mean money, status, and freedom.

Married to Ram and living in religious Goodside, Harmony spends her time trying to fit back into the community she once loved and believed in. But she can't seem to forget about Jondoe, the guy she fell in love with under the strangest of circumstances.

To her adoring fans, Melody has achieved everything she always wanted: a big, fat contract and a coupling with Jondoe, the hottest bump prospect around. But this image is costing her the one guy she really wants.

Cursed by their own popularity, the girls are obsessively tracked by their millions of fans, who have been eagerly counting down the days to their "Double Double Due Date." Without a doubt, they are two of the most powerful teen girls on the planet, and there's only one thing they could do that would make them more famous than they already are:

Tell the truth.

I loved bumped and couldn't wait to get my hands on thumped! I had to know what would happen to the girls.  There was not a moment during this story that I was bored or that felt slow. It flowed and while it wasn't a terrifying nail biter it makes you think. What would our world be like if this happened? Could you live in a society like that? I think Mrs McCafferty bravely tackled a topic in our society that has many up in arms, and I feel that she did it very well.

Melody and harmony came a long way from the start of bumped. They grew closer and truly cared for each other. I also liked the changes we saw in Johndoe. I'm a little sad to be saying god bye to this story and it's characters. But they got an ending that was touching, heartfelt, and which wrapped up this story in a great way. 

I don't want to discuss the meat of this story because I think it should be experienced as you read the book, but I can say that I hope all of you who have enjoyed Bumped carve out some time to give this a read, and any of you who have been weary to read this series I truly hope you change your minds and give it a try.  I give this one 5 starts and strongly recommend this one to all of you!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Review: The Goddess Hunt - Aimee Carter

File Size: 256 KB
Print Length: 75 pages
Publisher: Harlequin Teen (March 1, 2012)

A vacation in Greece sounds like the perfect way for Kate Winters to spend her first sabbatical away from the Underworld...until she gets caught up in an immortal feud going back millennia. Castor and Pollux have been on the run from Zeus and Hades' wrath for centuries, hiding from the gods who hunt them. The last person they trust is Kate, the new Queen of the Underworld. Nevertheless, she is determined to help their cause. But when it comes to dealing with immortals, Kate still has a lot to learn....

This was a pretty great novella, it was nice to ease back into Kate's world after being away. I also enjoyed getting to meet new people Castor and Pollux was a story that I always felt close to since I am a Gemini. So getting to see a bit more of there story was great. It was also nice to see Kate missing Henry. I was worried that maybe the 6 months away would wear on there new and fragile relationship. It was also fun to see some of the other gods, Ella and Ava are two of my more favorite Greek goddesses and the way the gods all interact kinda makes me chuckle. I enjoyed this story and the quick peek into Kate's world. I look forward to starting goddess interrupted soon. I give this novella 5 stars.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Follow Friday (25)

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Its a way to get out there and meet new bloggers and discover new blogs. :)

Q: We are about to see a lot of posts & tweets about reader conventions, RT, BEA, ALA and many more are starting soon. Which one would you love to attend? Where and why?

I'm dying to go to BEA, I've almost gone the past 2 years, we are talking pass in hand but something came up which prevented me from going. Since I only live 15 minutes from the city I do plan on eventually making it one year. My dream trip is to find a baby sitter and a puppy sitter, and find a nice hotel in the city that hubby and I could stay at and treat it like a mini vacation, or the honeymoon we never took. Cause what better plans for a honeymoon than to be surrounded by books!?! Now I just need him to agree hehe.

Where do you guys want to go?


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday (30)

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

My Pick This Week Is:

With Penn and Lexi determined to kill Gemma and replace her with another siren, Gemma's life is in grave danger...unless she can break the curse before it's too late. With the help of Harper and Daniel, she'll delve deep into her enemies' mythical past--and their darkest secrets. It's her only hope of saving everything she holds dear: her family, her life, and her relationship with Alex--the only guy she's ever loved.

I love this series, and can't wait to get my hands on this book.

What are you guys waiting on?
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